
Networking and Raising Capital / Part One of 2 - Mark Abramovich

On this episode of Flipside-Up Mark Abramovich speaks on "Networking and Raising Capital". From July 15th, 2023;

  1. Raise Capital in Advance

  2. Tell people what you do, without asking for anything; “Long Game”

  3. Know, Like, and Trust

  4. Family and Friends; Good/Bad

  5. What are you raising capital for?

  6. Keep a database of contacts

  7. Pay interest with a physical check

00:00 - Start

00:12 - Introduction

03:19 - About Mark

09:05 - Getting into Real Estate

13:48 - Mark focuses on Lending

16:50 - Mark talks about his Property Management Company and leaving his W-2 job

18:35 - Mark talks about his lending company

19:09 - Mark tells us how he raises capital funding

38:18 - What are you raising capital funding for?

50:21 - Mark talks about lending money

55:42 - Keep a data base

56:27 - When you pay interest

57:25 - Closing

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Mark Abramovich